Residential Design

We have collaborated with dozens of clients to create additions and alterations to a wide variety of existing houses. Many required compliance with historic preservation and architectural review board requirements. Many projects focused on age-in-place needs.

Additional examples are displayed on

Private Residence, Ohio
Historic relocation and preservation, adaptive reuse, age-in-place adaptations, site planning, new construction

House after it was relocated

House before it was relocated

Private Residence, Colorado
New construction, site planning

Private Residence, Ohio
The house occupies a 1/10th acre lot. Owners needed approval from the town’s architectural board, as well as several variances.

We connected the house to an existing detached two-car garage, converted it to a master suite with studio above, and added a new two-car garage with open space above.

Zero-threshold competition entry
This submission was a finalist in a competition for innovation in accessible housing held in NE Ohio.

Coming (Feb 2024): images of completed interior and exterior

Preliminary 3D rendering


Commercial Design